Tonight was Halloween and we gave away pumpkin loaf and extremely dyed pumpkin bread (pictured above). We walked around our neighborhood, met our neighbors and got some candy. They are really amazing and in love with our block. They made reference to how amazing all of the people on our block were and said that they didn't know about the people south of us. It was kind of funny.
On of our favorite neighbors lives behind us and up the alley. Her name is Mikel and she was dressed as a man for Halloween but assured us that she was a woman. She was great. A little emo girl that came us to the door after us was really funny too. In the most apathetic and flat tone she could muster, she mumbled tricker-treat and then ran away.
Our personal experience with tricker treaters was slightly traumatic. We saw people approaching our front porch, ran to greet them and then discovered what they were really up to. Two young boys were quickly emptying the entire contents of our candy bowl into their bags. They were so started that we came that they ran off with the totality of the candy and the bowl. We got the bowl back and I think that they were a little traumatized as well, but they deserved it or something...
All in all, it was amazing. Our landlord is going costume watching on Capital Hill which is amazing too.
We love our neighbors a lot and are looking forward to getting to know them over the rest of the year.