18 July 2007

faith. not worry.

this has been a difficult week.

satan is constantly tempting us to worry about our financial obligations, both present and future. each time i'm under this now familiar temptation, i pray asking God to fill my heart with His Spirit while assuring me that He will take care of us all as long as we trust in His promise.

God already has a house picked out for us! and He will provide whatever funds are needed to get us into that space. He will also help us pay our last months rent, our cell phone bills, money we owe to our families, etc... i can't allow myself to worry even once because i have personally seen over and over again how God has blessed my sister with anonymous checks in the mail, or a refund from something or other presented with the exact dollar and cent amound that she needed. her testimonies become personal to me, so how could i possibly sadden my Lord by worrying and doubting His hands and His angels?

thankfully i have a friend, Jake who reminds me of God's faithfulness every single day. i value so dearly the encouragement from people that are dear to me and our daily prayer times together.

i pray that the Spirit of the Lord is dwelling in our future community house already.
i pray Jesus blesses you as He continues to bless us.
and may you remember to have faith in His promises.


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