well lindsey and i are moved into our house. we still await heather, cory, katie and ben. life will be even more joyous once they arrive.
moving in wasn't stressful at all. Jesus blessed us by having our friends ask when they could come and help us. we had six people and five cars. we moved all of the contents in our apartment into our house in one load! it was really great. and quite fun actually.
we continue to be blessed each day, either by having someone come help us clean the house, finding furniture on the side of the road, being given something we've been praying for, or simply but beautifully having people always at our house sharing in community and love.
here are some photos finally.
the start of our new home.
there aren't any photos of the downstairs, because i couldn't get any good ones. and the dining room isn't worth taking a photo of yet, because there's nothing in it. soon, perhaps by the end of this week, there will be a large dining room table, created out of an old, vintage door that we will add legs to!
please come visit us and share in the love and joy that we have to give.

thank you Merek!
Merek was our painter this week. he cleaned our walls and put a fresh, stark coat of white paint on them all. he also washed our porch today. so lindsey and i decided to show him our appreciation by baking him a cake, complete with a small paintbrush!

our back porch, currently full of recycling, two lovely lanterns from goodwill and a beautiful watering can from goodwill-by-the-pound.

clean kitchen.

half of our front porch.
two comfy chairs from a dumpster.

this is the beginning of our living room.
large, burnt sienna couch that was given to us.
rug from the salvation army thrift store.
table from goodwill.
and a beautiful fireplace, complete with candles.
come soon!
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