this is Eva Nakisuyi.
Eva is 11 years old. Her birthday is on November 27th. Her parents are no longer living.
Our House decided that one way we'd like to give the money in our common fund is to sponsor a child. our dear friend, Katie has wonderful parents who are a part of a beautiful organization called Buyamba Orphan Outreach.
Buyamba translated into English simply means “Help”. This orphanage not only reaches orphans but also assists children whose parents are too sick or destitute to care for them. We wanted to support Buyamba's ministries because of the wonderful people that care for the children there in Uganda.
There was a glorious time of celebration when we joyously opened the envelope that contained Eva's picture and information.
thanks be to G-d for His blessings.
for His provisions.
for His LOVE.
If you feel in your heart a desire to join with us in daily prayer for Eva, please do pray.
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough,
money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So,
spread your love everywhere you go.
– Mother Teresa
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