our house has been going through a huge time of transition. as you know, we are knee-deep in summer fun and long hours of work. Ben is still working at Pagliacci Pizza and being a "fellow" for the Obama '08 campaign. Lindsey is interning for a low-income housing organization here in Seattle. Cory is taking some classes at Seattle Central Community College to get some extra credits in, all the while interning for Food Lifeline. Greg is working at Gregg's Cycles still and I am still working as a nanny for the family i have been working for for two years now. However, that is not the end of our list. Two friends moved into our house in June, Shantel and Becky.
Shantel is from Puyallip, WA and Becky is from Bellevue, WA. Shantel is a barista at Peets Coffee & Tea on Queen Anne. Becky works as a nanny like I do. Shantel went to SPU and has decided to discontinue her time there and is thinking about living with us next year here at OurHouse. Becky graduated from SPU this spring and will be moving into her own apartment in about two weeks, which she's really excited about.
We have decided to renew our lease on the house we've been living in this year. However, we are unsure of who exactly will be living here. Each of us are trying to hear from the LORD and figure stuff out all the while desiring to be in community always. so we'll keep you updated about what's going on once we know more. We have been meeting with a couple friends, Virginia and Ryan who desire to live here. We don't want to make any decisions based on seniority, so we have decided to take a step back and re-live our first springtime together. that was before we were even living together. we all met together weekly and sought counsel and the LORD's voice together, and those who felt that the LORD wanted them to live here eventually moved in. we just want the LORD to decide who should be here next year instead of us who have lived together for almost a year.
june and july were big GUEST months. in one week in june, right after finals at SPU, we had about 12 people come in and out over a period of about ten days. this last weekend, we had two very special guests - friends of a dear friend of ours, Rachel Liberto. rae left seattle for yoga school in california and then arizona to start a community in Douglass, AZ with a quaker couple by the Mexico border. she met two girls at the yoga school who quickly became her friends. they notified her that they were coming to seattle and wondered if she knew of anywhere they could stay. she thought of us and they arrived last friday night. Jessica and Brynn were wonderful people to meet, and in a way, they brought Rae back to us with their new memories of her.
Shantel left today for a family reunion in cleveland, ohio for two weeks, and a friend from Grand Valley State University in Michigan arrives tomorrow to stay for a week. so, as usual in the summer, some of us leave and more visitors come to take their places for awhile.
blessings friend,
Abby- quick question...what do you call your house?? is there a name...just curious...and im pumped to read more of your blogs and stories...
hey stephen,
the name of our house is 'Our House'. sometimes confusing, i know. :) the reason for it is so that when you are speaking of it or going there, you take some ownership of it as well by saying, "i'm going to our house."
o cool, i like that.
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